Wednesday 20 June 2018

Paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella spp.)

Paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella spp.)

Paddy straw mushroom is one of the best loved mushrooms in South-Asian countries. It is consumed fresh or canned/dry and used extensively in Asian cuisines. It is having good combinations of all attributes like flavour, aroma, delicacy, high content of protein and vitamins and minerals, because of which, the acceptability of this mushroom is no way less than much popular white button mushroom. It is an edible mushroom of the topics and subtropics, and began to be cultivated in China as early as 1822. Around 1932-, the straw mushroom was introduced into the Philippines, Malaysia, and other south-east Asian countries by overseas Chinese. Since then, its cultivation has been conducted in various countries outside of the region. The fruiting body formation starts with tiny clusters of white hyphal aggregates called Primordia and it is followed by several morphological stages in the fruiting body development process. The successive stages are called as "button", "eggs", "elongation", "mature" stages respectively. Differentiation can be seen first at the 'button' stage. At maturity the buttons enlarge and umbrella like fruit bodies emerge after the rupture of the Volva. It can be plucked immature or at later stage. It tastes better when it is plucked just after rupture of volva.
Cultivation Technology
After harvesting of Rice plant the fresh straw is the most suitable for Mushroom cultivation. To begin with, the straw is tied into bundles of 1.2 m long x 25 cm diameter (tie end) size followed by Deeping of bundles in water in a cemented tank for 24 to 48 hours. This contains 1% CaCO3 (Limestone) for killing of pests and insects. The bundles are taken out and put on a clean surface for few hours for draining out the excess water. The mushroom beds are prepared on a raised bamboo platform inside a thatched hut. Four pre-wetted bundles are placed side by side on this platform, facing all the loose ends on one side. Then another four bundles are placed with their tied ends on the opposite side. The loose ends of all the 8 bundles meet and overlap each other in the middle. Spawn is applied on this first layer about 15 cm away from the outer edge. On top of the spawned first layer, a little quantity of Gram dhal powder (about 200g per bed) is applied along with the spawn. On top of the spawned first layer of eight bundles again a second layer of 8 bundles is placed in a similar fashion and spawned. A third layer is again laid on top of the second layer and followed by 4th layer of bundles and spawning. All these 32 bundles make a single bed which is now pressed to remove the entrapped air and make it compact for effective spawn run. In order to avoid rapid water loss, the beds are covered with polythene sheets or gunny sheets.
Spawning Spawn run
The individual beds are watered daily without opening them with a sprayer once or twice, depending upon the climatic conditions. The total dry weight of straw/bed is 25 to 32 kg. A minimum of 18 to 22 litre/ water bed is sprayed to maintain the moisture level of 65 to 70%. It takes 10 to 15 days for complete mycelial growth under optimum conditions of 30 to 35C temperature with 85 to 90% RH.
Mushroom Production
The spawn run beds are exposed to fresh air and the mushrooms start appearing within a few days. These are picked at button stage early in the morning. The fruiting bodies are carefully separated from the adhering straw. Mushroom production continues for a period of 2-3 weeks. Each bed of 30kg dry straw can produce 4 to 5 kg of fresh mushrooms.
When the mushroom production stops, the straw can be composted to form manure. This mushroom is very good in taste and valued for its excellent aroma.
Opportunity in Assam
Assam having annual rainfall and moderate climate could be a great place to grow Paddy Straw Mushroom. It could be one of the new food delicacies and farmers can grow as a new crop as Assam accounts for high Rice cultivation which will provide ample Straws for making of beds. This will provide good source of income for the poor farmers.
Jo’s Green Farm cultivates the paddy straw mushroom and had good result. We provide training to Entrepreneurs and farmers for learning of the techniques.

Sunday 3 July 2016



How many of us make plans and actually set out for making it a success?

Have you ever wondered how it’d be like to travel without any fear or difficulties?

Well if I’d say it’s possible would you dare to take this trip?

This begins with 4 friends Jo, Ayao, Maks and Iba. When we first joined the University we never thought we would take up something like this at the end of our studies. Little did we know about each other our very friendship started in the beginning of the semester. As we all hail from northeast part of India we became closer as we were in the southern part of India where culture and language are completely different.
So this happened 6 months back in our own department waiting for the bus in a hot sunny day when we were so tired of our classes and just wanted to run away. We decided to save our scholarship money for taking up a trip to some great places. THAT’S IT…!!!! So that’s where it all begun.


It’s sad how time passes by and everything changes and it was a day for us when we had extra reason to become sadder. It’s hard to say good bye to student life and welcome to all the hardship that we were about to face in our coming days. Well this story is not about the hard things that we are going to face, but it’s about the friendship and the promise that we once made to each other.


the must awaited train journey
May 14 2016, the day had arrived and it took us time to realize that it was actually happening. All packed we thought of travelling by Train which was not ordinary. It was a long 3 days journey all the way to northeast India. Being a frequent traveler by train I had started to prefer it more than flying. It gives you more time to bond with people and also to interact with strangers. We were two groups in the train, boys group and our girls group in the different compartments. It’s hell lot of fun when you are travelling in a huge group. Trust me..!! With all those fun games, cards and tactics to survive without good food you actually start to know your friends better and you can have a very good sleep in the train if not good food.
We all know that we have reached our first destination when we could see the first mountain and hills out of the train. And you automatically smile when the first rain drop falls on your face and you know the importance of rain when you are coming from a hot place after a year. That’s like a heaven’s shower.


What do we do when we want to know about a place? We Google..!!

Well I would say better visit it because it gives you a whole different scenario then what is written on books and sites. Chirang district is in the lower part of Assam and it’s a small town with nothing much for tourist attractions. But it’s my hometown and it has got whole lot of thing to explore. So let’s go..!!
After a warm welcome at home by my parents we washed up our 3 days train dirt and nothing is more satisfying than a home cooked food after a year of sambhar and idli followed by the traditional chewing of goi and patwi ( betel nut and paan) which is like a mandatory in most of the household of Bodo family.
In the evening we took a walk in our own BGR Township where we stayed in my dad’s company quarter. The place is a little heaven of its own. After spending my whole childhood here I still want to stay here for lifetime. That’s the effect of this place. A very peaceful yet lot of things around to enjoy it’s a small city in a village. A friend of ours joined us. His name is Gwm. We visited pond and temple and took a walk in the sports complex which was very refreshing. And obviously lots of pictures and videos. To know more about the place you can checkout


Could you imagine a foreign trip without a passport and visa and by road that too free of cost?
yeah BHUTAN..!!
Yes it’s possible when you are staying near border of friendly country. Bhutan was 2 hours drive from Chirang and the nearest town to visit was Gelephu. My cousin brother Mrin who has a great driving skill drove us to Bhutan. The first thing you realized when you enter Bhutan gate is why all the good things are in Bhutan. The first thing people love to do is full their car because it’s so cheap. Gelephu is a beautiful town with its own culture and tradition; even kids were looking very cute in their traditional school dress. With high Steep Mountain and a beautiful river site flowing down the mountain it’s a treat to the eyes. It’s also a favorite picnic spot for people around the places during New Year eve. People from India and Bhutan unite here to enjoy the nature and it also has a hot spring near the river. During winter you could also see the place laden with oranges which is a very pleasing site for the eyes. After roaming for a while we stopped nearby a restaurant to fill our stomach. And what could be better than having a pork momos and KOKA noodle soup. Yum..!!
Time for shopping..!!
Bhutan.. long live the king..!!
There is a whole lot of stuff to buy from Bhutan. And if you are worrying about currency, you need not worry. They accept Indian currency with the same value as Bhutan currency ngultrum. And ngultrum is also accepted in Chirang so you can bring back ngultrum if you have saved some notes.
That all we could do in a day, but the last thing you must do before leaving the place is grab some locally made beer which is cheap and equally good but not the best if you ask me and you could enjoy your drive back home happily and responsibly. If you wish to explore Bhutan and visit further to its capital city and other city you need to stay for at least 3-4 days. May be next time when we solely just make Bhutan trip and we are not time bound.


tea garden bongaigaon
For people staying in Assam it would sound funny if we say let’s go hang out in tea garden because we usually don’t visit the places we stay nearby. But it could be a lovely place to spend some time with your friends and a site for great photography. As we entered the place we could see only tea as far as our eyes could reach and women plucking tender tea leaves are a great sight. My friends were seeing tea garden for the first time and it was like the best place ever visited. We took lots of photographs and tried to make some video which was inspired by watching lots of Bodo and Assamese music video with scenes taken in tea garden. Near to the tea estate was a temple on the highest mountain peak known as MAA BAGESWARI TEMPLE and you could see the whole Bongaigaon town from the top which is very beautiful.
After a tiring walk in the tea garden we came down to have some ice cream and pani puri and came back home for a good food.


We decided to visit our friend Bhaskar’s place in Bijni. They had to come and pick us up so we prepared delicacy of Bodo tribe, the silkworm, yummy..!! You must try it before you talk about it. After this we left for lunch at his place.
Bhaskar's paddy field
A very welcoming drink, Zwo was served as we reached the place. It’s the tradition of the Bodo tribe. It’s a rice beer usually made from sticky rice which is sweet in taste. My friends liked it and one of them drank a total of 6 glasses, yet she could walk straight. After a great drinking party and a traditional heavy lunch comprising of sobai and dao, oma, mwitha naa and napaam we had a walk in the paddy field chewing battle nut and pan which was like a mandatory by now.
After going around in nearby places and we head back to my place.


Next day I had to go with my parents to the nearest hill station Tura, in the Garo hills inhabited by Garo tribe which is 2 hours drive from my place and my friends were accompanied by Bhaskar to visit our other friends in different place known as Gossaigaon. Well I guess they had more fun than me. And coming back to Tura, it is a very good destination if you want to go for a long ride. You start your ride in a plan area and end up going high up in the mountains till you could see everything diminishing down below. a beautiful place to start your day with. After coming down and being super hungry we stopped by Himalaya hotel to ease our stomach with traditional Bodo food. You must try there if you ever come down to Bongaigaon or Chirang.


When we talk about village it’s time to relax forgetting about makeup and good dresses and just move out anywhere in a pair of flip flop.
fresh fish from the pond
We started early in the morning so that we could spend some time on the way in the famous AAI river with one of the longest bridge of the place on it known as Hagrama bridge. We got down there to enjoy the massive river flowing and yes it is scary to get down at this time of the year. Otherwise it’s the favorite picnic spot for locals during Christmas and New Year and still followed by Magh Bihu or Magw. Bodo people can’t miss a season to enjoy and a place like this is a diamond in a coal mine.
lets fry them..!!!
After clicking lot of picture we head back to visit my aunt place near Bhutan border again and then had Lunch at my Grand mom’s place. Talking of food it’s always the same now. Starting with Zwo followed by lots of non veg food and obviously goipaatwi. I think we have already gained 5 kgs by now.
roasted fish with fresh lemon and chilli.. yummmmyy..!!
Coming back to my village we bought Deer meat on the way which is a rare meat on this planet but its available here. So enjoy till you get. Our friends Bhaskar, Avinash and Pamshang joined us so that we could do the most awaited fun, fishing..!! A great day couldn’t have end better.
After catching lots of fish it was feast time with deer meat, roasted fish and tasty water snail. Yum Yum..!! Let me gain some more pounds.

water snail..!!

you are gonna die tonight
no they cant do it.. its heavy..!! 
Next day was the ultimate day which started with the smell of traditional rice cake and pitha that my mom prepared. It’s the best breakfast I must tell you. As it was the last day at my place after which we had to head towards our next destination dad organised a great feast with all families. But poor pig was slaughtered for a great meal which is sad in the beginning but we forgot everything after the first bite. With lots of rice beer, different varieties of pork dishes and fish our feast ended resting in the lazy afternoon. After that we went to chill in the river side where we saw women fishing and we also thought of picking some water snail. After a well spent day we head back towards home to start packing for our next destination for which we had to catch early morning train the next day.